Coco, Yoko & Bell
A supper club highlighting female talentS e r v i c e s
Co-Creation · Experience Design · Project Management
Communications · Event Production
In collaboration with
Founder Anette K Hansen
Co-Creater Molly Morgan
Food & Culinary Designer Inés Lauber
Music Kathy Kwon / Air of Colors
Hosted by Contemporary Food Lab
Photos by Becca Crawford
A b o u t
An experential dinner event for forward thinking minds, each evening sets the stage for a speaker or thought leader, chef and artist to create a unique dining experience in collaboration with the Coco, Yoko & Bell curatorial team. We use food, in conjunction with words, design, music and art, to tell stories from a female perspective—creating each evening as an interactive and multi sensory performance piece.
November 22, 2017 — ‘Whereever you go, there you are’
Hosted at the Contemporary Food Lab, the event fell somewhere in between a participatory performance piece and a guided culinary meditation—a sensory journey through a multi-course meal, appreciating the bounty that is all around us, from city offerings, forest foraging, farmland sustenance and everything in between.
M e n u
Reality doesn’t impress me I only believe in intoxication. Laid back. (With oak barrel matured rye gin and home-made juice)
APPETIZER BERLIN GLITTER Excess becomes treasure as we feast on urban abundance
Constraints make us more creative. We make what we can with what we get.
INTERMEZZO PALATE CLEANSER By tasting nothing, nothing becomes something
3 x water: Tap, Leogant filtered, Preußenquelle. A deliberate reduction or removal of stimuli.
Nature seeps in through the cracks
Seasonal from the city: Wild herbs, greens from Top Farmers,
pear, pumpkin, nuts. Pick. Mix. Eat.
INTERMEZZO INTERACTIVE SOUND BATH The smell of damp moss lures us into the woods
Can you taste the sound? Smell the vibrations? Experience synesthesia. Music by Air of Colors.
Treasures found in the forest: Local and wild deer, herbs and mushrooms in good company.
INTERMEZZO AN EXERCISE IN SUBTLETY We savour the fruits of our labour
Ceci n’est pas une pomme? 3 x apple juice: Cox Orange, Finkenwerder Herbstprinz, Eisapfel von Croncels.
DESSERT MILK & HONEY PART 01 The richness of humble offerings
The cheese course seen through new eyes. Partner up and share a plate. One is blindfolded. One feeds both.
INTERMEZZO TOUCH Without darkness there is no light. Surrender to heightened awareness.
At the first ring of the bell, both wear blindfolds. Wait. Feel. At the second ring, switch roles.
DESSERT MILK & HONEY PART 02 Everyday alchemy elevates the unexpected
A textural exploration of milk & honey. Roles are switched. Now, the other is blindfolded and feeds both.
Landing into the moment
Berlin distilled herbal elixir Pijökel takes us back to the city.
Did you ever leave in the first place?